Thursday, May 11, 2017

When I grow up I want to become an author - Julia Portelli

When I grow up I want to become an author. An author writes books. There are many different types of books including fiction or non-fiction books, biographies and much more.

To become an author you need a lot of imagination. If you found a good idea you need to know how to express that idea in the best way so it captures the readers making them want to read more. You also need good orthography and punctuation. Reading helps a lot if you want to become an author.

Before you start writing the actual book it is best to plan it first. If you want to write a book about something or somewhere you should gather a lot of information before actually starting to write. if you want to write a fiction book you have to have an idea and then to plan on how to develop it. Once you finished that you start to write the book. The length of the procedure depends on how long the finished book will be. Once you write the book you have to find a publisher so you can publish the book and start selling it.

To become an author is my dream because writing is an easier way for me to express my true feelings and beliefs.   


Julia Portelli, 7.8

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